How does the iPhone X test show how Apple's design issues?

The iPhone X is arguably the most expensive mass-produced handset in the world, with top-of-the-line hardware and software experience optimized for the planet. But is that true? Sadly not
According to Forbes magazine, tests conducted by leading YouTubers such as XeeTechCare, SuperSaf TV and EverythingApplePro (with a total of 7 million followers) led to the conclusion: iPhone X can not keep up with the new Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus!
It sounds normal, because anyway the Galaxy S9 Plus also launched later and is the most iconic configuration of Samsung at the present time. But not. What is most surprising is that the iPhone X owns all the weapons that can help it defeat the Galaxy S9 Plus:
The iPhone 5's A11 chipset yielded 45% faster than the Snapdragon 845 chipset used on the Galaxy S9 Plus.
The Snapdragon 845 is much slower than the Exynos 9810 chipset that appears on S9 Plus variants in countries outside the United States.
- iOS is well known for its excellent performance and optimizations, and is constantly updated with near-instantaneous speed (unlike Android's long wait times).
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2. Spam software: Which phone does not have?
Although Samsung is often criticized for installing junkware and slow operating system updates, Apple is not as good at installing dozens of useless applications (but no one is complaining). Along with updating the software too much, too fast the error above overlaps the previous error.
Samsung is also known for slowing its smartphone adoption over time, and recently the iPhone was even more famous for this, after Apple admitted intentionally slowing its performance to limit problems. When the battery is empty. Samsung said it did not need to do the "shameful" thing Apple did, and if that were the case, it was clear that Apple was ahead of Samsung.
Apple should have changed a long time ago
The fatalities of the iPhone X, which the Galaxy S9 Plus has busted are also the weaknesses that last year, the Pixel 2 XL (which uses an older generation Snapdragon chip) "almost" flushed through the post Test with iPhone X: last time, brand ...
Iphone accessories

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